For authors:

The first step to registration to the conference is the submission of the abstract using the submission link ( ). The authors will not be provided with a separate format for the abstract. The authors have to key in the required sections in the submission link. The authors are requested to enter all the required details correctly to avoid any mistakes at a later stage. The details entered in the submission link will be taken for all future correspondence. Once the author uploads the abstract in the submission link, the authors will get a notification of rejection/acceptance within 7 days of abstract submission. All the details related to the payment process and the account details will be given in the abstract acceptance letter. The submitted abstract will be included in the proceeding of the conference (with ISBN Number). The next step is to make the payment for the conference & full paper (Those of the authors who like to publish their papers). The payment proof along with the full paper (Only for authors who intend to publish their papers) has to be sent to the emailed ID mentioned in the abstract acceptance letter. Once the organisers receive the payment and full paper, the paper will be taken for review and the review comments will be shared with the authors. The authors will have 15days time to make the necessary corrections and submit the camera-ready paper. The papers will undergo a final review to check the format and plagiarism before it is sent for the final publication to the required journals. All accepted papers will be published in the SCOPUS indexed journal.

Online Submission:

The authors should follow the below guidelines to ensure that their abstract is published in the proceeding with ISBN number and the selected full paper will be reviewed and offered for SCOPUS indexed journal publication with additional fees. All abstracts have to be submitted online using the online submission link. The language of instruction for the conference is English only.
For the abstract Submission please follow the link given below
The authors have to make the required conference/publication fee and send the payment proof along with the full paper to the concerned email ID to ensure that the abstract is including in the conference proceedings.
Only the papers which are presented in the conference will be eligible for full paper SCOPUS indexed publication.


Oral Presentation:

The participants have to present their research findings in the allotted room as per the presentation schedule. Each participant will be allotted 15mins (10mins presentation and 5 minutes Question and answer session). The presentations will be evaluated by the assigned session chairs. There will be an award for the best presenters. One winner will get a a cash price of USD 50.


Posters should stimulate discussion, not give a long presentation. Keep text to a minimum and emphasize graphics.
    Required Elements
  • Title – Your poster should include a banner title.
  • Introduction – Introduce the research question, give a small amount of background, and identify your hypothesis and the purpose of your study. Consider using bullet points.
  • Methods – Describe the experiments and protocols employed in your study.
  • Results – The results of your study appear here, illustrated by the majority of your figures. Present only the most pertinent results. Check that the figures are large and easily read.
  • Conclusion – Interpret your results. Compare or contrast your findings to those from the scientific literature. Suggest further experiments or research that would build upon your study.

    1. Format and Design
  • The poster boards are A1 (23 inches wide by 33 inches tall)
  • Fonts – Your poster should be easily read from a distance of 4 ft. Use contrasting fonts for the title, text and figure legends. (e.g. – Times for the text, and Arial for the title and figure legends)
  • Title: 90 – 95 pt.
  • Headings (Methods, etc.): 90 pt.
  • Text: 28 – 36 pt.
  • Lit Cited: 18 – 20 pt.

    1. The organisers will not assist in printing the poster. All posters have to be prepared and printed by the participants. The organisers will only provide a space to display the poster.

    Virtual Presentation:

    The virtual presentation is for the benefit of the participants who cannot attend the conference in person. The presenters can present their research online through skype or any suitable online presentation mode as decided by the organisers. The schedule for the virtual presentation will be informed to the participants 10 days before the conference day. The best poster will get a cash price of USD 50.